Sunday 3 May 2020

an intolerant world.

He felt like he wasn't liked
Because all that people did
Was disagree with him all the time
Like as if he didn't know what he was saying
They smacked him
Called him names and abused him
All because he believed in certain ideals.
His beliefs were his identity
And when his beliefs questioned
He felt like that was an attack on his entire upbringing
And his family and value system
He felt like everyone was wronging him
For thinking the way he did
He felt sad, and he felt depressed
Because no matter how hard he tried
He couldn't get himself to understand why
People thought the way they did
And why people thought he was wrong
He couldn't see them
And they couldn't see him.
At a different wavelength from the world,
He became a recluse
And just to fit in, bought into popular ideology
Without understanding a logic for his beliefs
He suddenly, had no identity of his own
He was shattered
And he was broken
And he was prey to propaganda
And to undemocratic belligerence
It's sad what the system can do.
And it's wrong.
Twitter is wrong.
Social media activism is wrong.
And unfair.
And undemocratic.
Question people - but don't attack them personally
Gently question but acknowledge their ideas
Don't blame them for believing what they do
Just present other facts on the table and leave it at that

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